Adding & Viewing files

Now let’s add some files to brig. We do this by using brig stage. It’s called stage because all files first get added to a staging area. If you want, and are able to remember that easier, you can also use brig add.

$ echo "Hello World" > /tmp/
$ brig stage /tmp/
$ brig cat
Hello World
$ brig ls
SIZE   MODTIME                       PATH          PIN
986 B  Mon Mar  4 23:04:07 CET 2019  /     ✔
12 B   Mon Mar  4 23:04:23 CET 2019  /   ✔

This adds the content of /tmp/ to a new file in brig called / The name was automatically chosen from looking at the base name of the added file. All files in brig have their own name, possibly differing from the content of the file they originally came from. Of course, you can also add whole directories.


brig always copy the data. If you happen to change the original file, the change will not progpagate to the file in brig. You have to re-stage it to reflect the change.

If you want to use a different name, you can simply pass the new name as second argument to stage:

$ brig stage /tmp/ /hallo.welt

You also previously saw brig cat which can be used to get the content of a file again. brig ls in contrast shows you a list of currently existing files, including their size, last modification time, path and pin state [1].

One useful feature of brig cat is that you can output directories as well. When specifying a directory as path, a .tar archive is being outputted. You can use that easily to store whole directories on your disk or archive in order to send it to some client for example:

# Create a tar from root and unpack it to the current directory.
$ brig cat | tar xfv -
# Create .tar.gz out of of the /photos directory.
$ brig cat photos | gzip -f > photos.tar.gz
[1]Pinning and pin states are explained Pinning and are not important for now.


You probably already noticed that a lot of commands you’d type in a terminal on a normal day have a sibling as brig command. Here is a short overview of the available commands:

$ brig mkdir photos
$ brig touch photos/me.png
$ brig tree
• ✔
├── ✔
├── photos/ ✔
│  └── me.png ✔
└── ✔

2 directories, 2 files
$ brig cp photos/me.png photos/moi.png
$ brig mv photos/me.png photos/ich.png
# NOTE: There is no "-r" switch. Directories are always deleted recursively.
$ brig rm photos

Please refer to brig help <command> for more information about those. They work in most cases like their pendant. Also note that there is no brig cd currently. All paths must be absolute.