Getting started

This guide will walk you through the steps of synchronizing your first files over brig. You will learn about the concepts behind it along the way. Most of the steps here will include working in a terminal, since this is the primary way to interact with brig. Once setup you have to choice to use a browser application though.

Precursor: The help system

Before we dive in, we go over a few things that will make your life easier along the way. brig has some built-in helpers to serve as support for your memory. If you’re not interested in that you can skip right to the next section. But please check those help texts before asking questions.

Built-in reference documentation

Every command offers detailed built-in help, which you can view using the brig help command. This often usage examples too:

$ brig help stage
   brig stage - Add a local file to the storage

   brig stage [command options] (<local-path> [<path>]|--stdin <path>)


   Read a local file (given by »local-path«) and try to read
   it. This is the conceptual equivalent of »git add«. [...]


   $ brig stage file.png                         # gets added as /file.png
   $ brig stage file.png /photos/me.png          # gets added as /photos/me.png
   $ cat file.png | brig stage --stdin /file.png # gets added as /file.png

   --stdin, -i  Read data from stdin

Shell autocompletion


The shell autocompletion is still under development. It might still yield weird results and the usability needs to be improved definitely. Any help welcome!

If you don’t like to remember the exact name of each command, you can use the provided autocompletion. For this to work you have to insert this at the end of your .bashrc:

source $GOPATH/src/

Or if you happen to use zsh, append this to your .zshrc:

source $GOPATH/src/

After starting a new shell you should be able to autocomplete most commands. Try this for example by typing brig remote <tab>. Other shells are not supported right now sadly.

Open the online documentation

By typing brig docs you’ll get a tab opened in your default browser with this domain loaded. Please stop typing brig docs into Google and save some energy.

Reporting bugs

If you need to report a bug (thank you!) you can use a built-in utility to do that. It will gather all relevant information, create a report and open a tab with the GitHub issue tracker in a browser for you. Only thing left for you is to fill out some questions in the report and include anything you think is relevant.

$ brig bug

To actually create the issue you sadly need an GitHub account. If you don’t have internet or do not want to sign up, you can still generate a bug report template via brig bug -s.